Talk BookTalk
Sa, 9. November 2024 10:30

Stadt und (gelingende) Integration

City and (Successful) Integration

Themes of Our Time
Architect and graphic designer: Osamu Okamura (Liberec / CZ) and David Böhm (Prague) Authors: Fariza Bisaeva (Vienna), Bernadette Sarmann (Vienna)
Moderator: Hans Koch (Berlin)
German and English (Simultaneous interpretation into English and German)

Admission free. Also available as livestream.

Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche


City for Everyone and Tell Me about Here, I’ll Tell You about Somewhere Else are two book projects that explore the different levels of community living in the 21st century.

City for Everyone provides amazing facts and interesting explanations about the concept of the city for all the family. In connection with a small exhibition in the Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche, Osamu Okamura  reports on the development process and shows the results in a video. What is the reality of a city in which a growing population is supposed to find space? How must our cities develop for us to live in a shared space in future?

For Austria’s Guest of Honour spot at the Leipzig Book Fair 2023, six young authors met for the project Tell Me about Here, I’ll Tell You about Somewhere Else. Their aim was to develop a sharper insight from their different perspectives and – entirely incidentally – to share a positive experience of integration. They wanted to trust their vision, thoughts and wishes, their dream of living in a world of mutual consideration and understanding. What does successful integration look like? A video explains facts about the project, followed by Fariza Bisaeva and Berndatte Sarmann, two authors of the book, reading from their texts.

What are the similarities between both book projects? How is a city for everyone also to be conceptualized as a city where integration is successfully achieved for people from different social and cultural backgrounds?


Osamu Okamura
b. 1973, is an architect and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Architecture of the Technical University in Liberec and, among others, curator of the project Shared Cites: Creative Momentum. He has been nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Prize of the Czech Republic..

Fariza Bisaeva
b. 2000, studies Islamic religious pedagogy in Vienna. In the eljub eBook 2022, she wrote Longing for Peace.

Bernadette Sarman
b. 2001, after spending her childhood in Lower Austria, she studies German philology at the University of Vienna. In the eljub eBook 2016, she wrote Living Together and is currently also a contributing author for Bühne magazine.

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    English (Simultaneous interpretation into German)

    Also available as livestream.
    Tickets EUR 14.-/ 12.-

    Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche
    Reading LitTalks

    Themes of Our Time
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    Moderator: Rosie Goldsmith (London)
    English (Simultaneous interpretation into German)

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    Moderator: Katja Gasser (Vienna)
    German (Simultaneous interpretation into English)

    Admission free. Also available as livestream.

    Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche
    Reading BookTalk
    Fr, 8. November 2024 12:00



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    Moderator: Klaus Taschwer (Vienna)
    German (Simultaneous interpretation into English)

    Admission free. Also available as livestream.

    Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche
    Talk Guided Tour/Exhibition

    Walking Tour with Albert Hosp and Gerda Ridler. Meeting Point Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche.
    Tickets 12.-
    Booking essential.

    Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche

    Sold out

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    Moderator: Rosie Goldsmith (London)
    English (Simultaneous interpretation into German)

    Admission free. Also available as livestream.

    Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche
    Reading Concert BookTalk
    Fr, 8. November 2024 19:30

    Worte und Töne

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    Musicians: Riedler | Oberkanins | Raab (Vienna)
    Readings: Maria Köstlinger (Vienna)
    Moderator: Jürgen Ritte (Paris)

    German (Interpreting into French/ Simultaneous interpretation into English)
    Tickets EUR 18.-/16.-

    Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche
    Guided Tour/Exhibition Wine

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    Tickets EUR 12.-


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    Moderators: Irene Zanol (Innsbruck) and Rebekka Zeinzinger (Vienna)
    German (Simultaneous interpretation into English)

    Admission free. Also available as livestream.

    Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche
    Reading Concert BookTalk
    Sa, 9. November 2024 20:00

    Worte und Töne

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    Readings: Dörte Lyssewski (Vienna)
    Musician: Trio Lumi (Graz)
    Moderator: Veronika Trubel (Vienna)

    German (Simultaneous interpretation into English)
    Tickets EUR 18.-/16.-

    Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche
    LitTalks Concert

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    Moderator: Rosie Goldsmith (London)
    Music: Pamelia Stickney & Peter Rom (Vienna)

    The prize ceremony to present the Tolerance Award to David Grossman by the President of the Main Association of the Austrian Book Trade Benedikt Föger.

    German, English (Simultaneous interpretation into English and German)

    Tickets EUR 14.-/ 12.-

    Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche
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